Madje Vollaers and Pascal Zwart started Studio VZ in 1991 as a design studio for interdisciplinary design and visual communication. VOLLAERSZWART explores the interaction between various disciplines such as architecture, sculpture, couture, culture and communication. Public space is the platform for their design activities, which focus on the interactions between architecture, audience, functionality and experience of public space. VOLLAERSZWART has realized various projects in the fields of arts and design. It is at the intersection of these disciplines that the ideal situation is created for new visual scenarios to be developed. In the last 20 years VOLLAERSZWART have become established as designers for exhibitions and festivals with their haute sculpture approach to city dressing, exhibition design, public artworks, eye catchers and scenery.
Studio VOLLAERSZWART / vollaerszwart@me.com / Telephone: +31 (0)10 46 70 750 / Mobile: +31 (0)6 53 78 64 61
Studio VOLLAERSZWART / vollaerszwart@me.com / Telephone: +31 (0)10 46 70 750 / Mobile: +31 (0)6 53 78 64 61